Coots Note 40th, All-City Rummage Sales May 11

A little gal checked out a drum set.

Casey Nelson was awarded the prestigious Old Coot prize as the 40th annual Coots Unlimited Banquet got underway Saturday, May 10 at the Ashby Legion. President Tyson Langlie named the honor to local Casey.
The Ashby American Legion Club rooms was packed to near capacity with members and friends while the outdoor tent, set up for the occasion, was equally occupied.
Coots Unlimited, aka the local area sportsmen’s club offered a banquet of meats including grilled ribs and burgers, and a multitude of sides for all to feast upon with all ages partaking in the numerous games, raffles and what not.
There were specials donations in tribute and memory of members: Stanley Ellingson, Jim Karl, Steve Moran, George and Clara Moran, and Vernie Ostrom.
Officers for this year including Langlie are Vice President Rich Williams, Treasurer Jordan Lillemon, Secretary Mike Hanson and Directors Paul Johnsrud, Sam Balgaard, Dallas Rylander, and Tyler Barry.
Mark Your Calendars For Next Year’s Banquet