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Home ›Underwood School Board March 13, 2023 Minutes
The Underwood School Board Regular March meeting was held Monday, March 13, 2023, in the Conference Room. Present were Board Members: Meder, Waltz, Baker and Albjerg; Student Representatives Radzwill and Peterson, Superintendent Wilson, Principal Follingstad, Activities Director Hovland, Community Ed Director Stenoien and Business Manager Thieschafer. Absent: Wold and Sem. Visitors included: None. Albjerg, Vice Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. with a quorum present. The District’s Beliefs, Mission and Vision Statements were read by Albjerg. Motion to approve the amended agenda (Baker/Meder: MCU). Motion to approve consent agenda items including: Minutes of the February 13, 2023 Regular Meeting; donation of $407.85 from Underwood Lions for speech award; Expenditures/Financial Report; Resignation due to Retirement for Community Ed/Transportation/ Testing Coordinator Anne Stenoien, Resignation of OTC Head Wrestling Coach Jason Rogers, and Resignation of Special Education Teacher Kali Kohen (Meder/ Waltz: MCU). Student Representative report given by Peterson and Radzwill. No committee reports. Hovland gave the Activities Director report. Stenoien gave the Community Ed/ Transportation report. Follingstad gave Principal report. Wilson gave Superintendent report. School board officially thanked and recognized Anne Stenoien for years of service to the District. Motion for termination and non-renewal of .29 FTE position of Business Education Teacher for Rick Harig due to Out of Field Permissions (Meder/Albjerg: MCU – Roll Call Voting in Favor: Albjerg, Meder, Baker, and Waltz; Voting Against: None). Full resolution on file at the District Office. Motion to amend 2022-2023 school calendar with no school on March 16 and 17; add May 26 as a student contact day; staff returning May 30 for end of year workshop; and adding back early release dates of April 6 and May 5 (Meder/Baker: MCU). Motion to add 2 Flexible Learning as possible make up dates for 2022-2023 school calendar (Baker/Waltz: MC – Voting in favor: Baker, Albjerg and Waltz; Voting against: Meder). Initial FY24 budget was reviewed. Motion to approved Summer of 2023 projects (Baker/Meder: MCU). Motion to adjourn (Baker/Albjerg: MCU). Meeting adjourned 7:49 p.m. Rebekah Meder, Clerk (This publication constitutes the legal printing April 19, 2023 of the official minutes of this meeting.)