West Shaffer Variance Hearing Revised

NOTICE OF HEARING ON VARIANCE (Revised)   Pursuant to City Code #150.102 of the City of Battle Lake, Wes Shaffer is requesting a variance from setbacks at 301 North Lincoln Ave.  The request is to build a carport on the south side of the property at the location where current tenants are parking.  The request is to allow the construction of the carport 24 feet from the property line from West Bowman St. and on the south side, he is requesting a variance to build 12 feet from the alley.  Current requirements are 30 feet from the right of way and 20 feet from an alley.    Details for the above application are available for inspection at the City Clerk’s office at 108 Main Street East, Battle Lake, MN, or on the City’s website:  www.ci.Battle-Lake.mn.us one week prior to the Planning Commission meeting.  The Battle Lake Planning Commission will review the request on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at Battle Lake City Hall and make recommendations to the City Council. The City Council will conduct a hearing at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, in the City Council Rooms. Any objections to the granting of this variance may be made in person or via remote access, at the time of said Hearing, or by a letter sent to the Clerk-Treasurer of the City on or before, Tuesday, May 2, 2023,  Remote access to either meeting can be received by contacting the City Clerk for log-in information. Both meetings are also open to the public in person.    By order of the City Council Valerie J. Martin Clerk-Treasurer (Published April 26, 2023)