Underwood School Board June 12, 2023 meeting

The Underwood School Board Regular June meeting was held Monday June 12, 2023, in the Choir Room. Present were Board Members John Wold, Rebekah Meder, Jen Albjerg and Chris Waltz; Superintendent Jeff Wilson, Activities Director Brian Hovland and Business Manager Margie Thieschafer. Absent: Adam Baker and Kyle Sem. Others present included: None. Wold, Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with a quorum present. Wold read Belief, Mission, and Vision Statements. Motion to approve the agenda (Albjerg/ Waltz: MCU). Roll call vote to approve consent agenda containing the following: May 8, 2023 Regular Board Meeting minutes; Donations: Park Region Telephone $200, Everts Township $250, American Legion Post 489 $250 for Summer Recreation, Box Tops for Education $17.50 for Fitness Fund; Expenditures/ Financial Report; Hiring Stephany Wold and Michelle Ellerbusch as Special Education Teachers; Approve Fredrick Harig .29 FTE Business Teacher; Agreement with Otter Tail County Sheriff’s Office for part-time School Resource Officer for FY24; Calling for Milk Bids; 2023-24 Literacy Plan; Permission for administration to handle Expenses and Revisions to finish up FY23; Membership to Lakes Country Service Cooperative for Health and Safety for FYs 24-26; and District Technology Services Contract with Lakes Country Service Cooperative. Voting in Favor: Wold, Albjerg, Meder and Waltz, Voting Against: None. Consent agenda ap-proved. Committee Reports were given by Wold on Fergus Falls Area Special Education Cooperative and Minnesota State High School League Region 6. Hovland gave the Activities Director and Community Ed report. Wilson gave the Principal and Superintendent reports. Motion directing administration to re-search used bus options up to $50,000 (Med-er/Albjerg: MCU). Motion to approve FY24 Budget (Meder/ Waltz: MCU). Motion to adjourn (Meder/Waltz: MCU). Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Rebekah Meder, Clerk (This publication constitutes the legal printing July 19, 2023 of the official minutes of this meeting.)