Battle Lake School Board July 10, 2023 Minutes

The school board of ISD #542, Battle Lake, met in a regular session on Monday, July 10, 2023 in the media center. The meeting was called to order by Chair Paul Ness at 6:30 p.m. Members present: Rachel Logan, Sheila Newark, Paul Ness, Ashley Altstadt, Jonathan Hartman and Aimie Hallberg. Members absent: None. Others in attendance were: Rob Nudell, Ryan Severson, Sue Riedel, Kate Scherfenberg, Jenny Mansker, Amy Wicklund and Elizabeth Klintworth. All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion to adopt the agenda as printed. (Hartman/Newark) UC. Motion to approve the minutes of the regular June meeting as printed. (Hallberg/Hart-man) UC. Motion to accept the following donation as specified: Lakes Area Sanitation, DBA Lakes Area Trailers $250 – Fishing League. Julie, Ryan and Eleonore Proctor $50 – Outdoor Classroom Renovation. (Newark/Hartman) UC Motion to approve the following consent agenda items: Payment of bills including checks #53490-#58560 in the amount of $431,918.96, electronic fund transfers in the amount of $430,776.59 and payroll checks #21870-#21872 in the amount of $1,048.97, Treasurer’s Report as presented, renew membership with MREA and MSBA, accept the updated electronic funds transfer authorization as presented and call for bids on milk and related dairy products. (Altstadt/Ne-wark) UC. Board members gave updates on communications and meetings they have had with residents and community members within the past month. Ryan Severson gave his School Principal’s report. Rob Nudell gave his Superintendent’s report. Member Sheila Newark moved for adoption of the following resolution: Resolution adopting the school district’s fiscal year 2025 Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Ten Year Plan. The foregoing resolution was seconded by member Jonathan Hartman and upon a roll call vote being taken, those voting in favor: Jonathan Hartman, Rachel Logan, Ashley Altstadt, Sheila Newark and Paul Ness. Those voting against the same: None. Whereupon the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. A copy of the entire resolution is on file in the district office. Member Ashley Altstadt introduced the following resolution and moved for its adoption: Resolution Relating to the Issuance of School Building Bonds and Calling an Election Thereon. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member Jonathan Hartman. On a roll call vote, the following voted in favor: Rachel Logan, Ashley Altstadt, Sheila Newark, Aimie Hallberg, Jonathan Hartman and Paul Ness, and the following voted against: None. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. A copy of the entire resolution is on file in the district office. The board reviewed the Strategic Plan. Motion to approve the IOWA Designation as presented. A copy of the designation is on file in the district office. (Newark/Hartman) UC. Motion to approve the recommendation for hire of Val Martin as election clerk and to carry out the duties and responsibilities of such as it pertains to the school building bond special election. This is all contingent on the City of Battle Lake allowing Val to perform these duties. (Altstadt/Hartman) UC. The next meetings of the school board are scheduled for August 14 and September 11 both beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the media center. The Board went into a closed session at 7:35 pm for the purpose of the Superintendent Evaluation. The board came out of closed session at 8:57. With no more items of business remaining on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned by Chair Paul Ness at 8:57 p.m. Sheila Newark, Clerk (This publication constitutes the legal printing August 23, 2023 of the official minutes of this meeting.)