Battle Lake School Board September 11, 2023 minutes

The school board of ISD #542, Battle Lake, met in a regular session on Monday, September 11, 2023 in the media center. The meeting was called to order by Chair Paul Ness at 6:30 p.m. Members present: Rachel Logan, Sheila Newark, Paul Ness, Aimie Hallberg, Ashley Altstadt and Jonathan Hartman. Members absent: None. Others in attendance were: Rob Nudell, Ryan Severson, David Marso, Tanya Maethner, Sue Riedel, Amy Wicklund, Jennie Mills, Jenny Cam-eron, Jenny Mansker, Tracy Norberg, Brady Speicher, Madison Cameron and Elizabeth Klintworth. All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion to adopt the agenda as revised. (Newark/Hartman) UC. Motion to approve the minutes of the regular August meeting as printed. (Hartman/ Hallberg) UC. Motion to accept the following donation as specified: The BlackBaud Giving Fund, Ashley Altstadt $200 – Advanced Biology, Battle Lake Food Shelf $1000 – Unpaid Student Lunch Account, Deer Creek Lions $1000, Arvig $250, Sean Sample $250 and Carr’s Supermarket $50 – all for OTC Youth Football, Womenade Helping Hands $1000 – for student needs. (Hallberg/Newark)UC Motion to approve the following consent agenda items: Payment of bills including checks #58626-#58709 in the amount of $181,061.44, electronic fund transfers in the amount of $325,622.95, payroll check #21888 in the amount of $398.26, Treasurer’s Report as presented, Student enrollment numbers per grade for the first week of school, preliminary Seniority list, fundraising applications as presented and a letter of resignation from Amanda Kaste as a paraprofessional. (Altstadt/Hartman) UC. Board members gave updates on communications and/or meetings they have had with residents and community members within the past month. Madison Cameron gave a student representative update. David Marso gave an update on Activities and Athletics. Ryan Severson gave his School Principal’s report. Rob Nudell gave his Superintendent’s report. Motion to approve the proposed levy for Pay 2024 at the Maximum. (Hartman/Logan) UC. A copy is on file in the district office. Motion to call for quotes on snow plowing for the 2023-24 school year. Those quotes will be acted upon at the regular October meeting. (Altstadt/Newark) UC. Motion to accept the Achievement and Integration Plan as presented. (Hartman/ Hallberg) Opposed Rachel Logan. MC. Motion to approve the Assurance of Compliance with MDE as it pertains to non-discrimination, mandated reporting, Human Rights and Title IX. (Hartman/Hallberg) UC. Motion to approve the Bus Drivers’ wage and benefits provisions for the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years as presented. (Alstadt/ Newark) UC. A copy of that wage agreement is on file in the district office. The board discussed the Review and Comment from the Commissioner of Education on the Proposed Building Bond. Motion to call for sealed bids on the sale of a 2004 bus that is no longer needed in the school’s bus fleet. (Altstadt/Hartman) UC. Member Jonathan Hartman moved the adoption of the following resolution: RESOLUTION APPOINTING ELECTION JUD-GES AND ABSENTEE BALLOT BOARD FOR THE NOVEMBER 7, 2023 SCHOOL DISTRICT SPECIAL ELECTION. The motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member Sheila Newark. On a roll call vote, the following voted in favor: Aimie Hallberg, Jonathan Hartman, Sheila Newark, Ashley Altstadt, Rachel Logan and Paul Ness; and the following voted against the same: None. Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. A copy of the entire resolution is on file in the district office. Motion to adopt the revised expenditure budget for the 2023-24 school year as presented. The revision includes an additional $60,000 of expenditures under the general fund for ADSIS, additional paraprofessionals and the increased amount in the 403b match for teachers. (Hartman/Hallberg) UC. The next meetings of the school board are scheduled for October 9 and November 13 both beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the media center. The dates and times for Meet and Confer are set for 1 hour prior to regular school board meetings during the months of November, February and May. The dates and times for the Safety Committee meetings are set as follows: 3:20 p.m. in the media center on September 20, November 15, January 24, and March 20. The dates and times for the Wellness Committee meetings are set as follows: 7:30 a.m. in the media center or a conference room on September 13, November 8, February 14 and April 10. With no more items of business remaining on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned by Chair Paul Ness at 8:07 p.m. Sheila Newark, Clerk (This publication constitutes the legal printing October 18, 2023 of the official minutes of this meeting.)