Underwood School Board February 14, 2024 minutes

The Underwood School Board Regular February meeting was held Wednesday, February 14, 2024, in the Conference Room. Present were Board Members: John Wold, Rebekah Meder, Jen Albjerg, Adam Baker and Chris Waltz; Student Representative Kale Rich, Superintendent Jeff Wilson and Business Manager Margie Thieschafer. Absent: Kyle Sem. Others present: TJ Pelanek and Dana Flint. John Wold, Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m. with a quorum present. The District’s Beliefs, Mission and Vision Statements were read by Wold. Motion to approve the agenda (Albjerg/ Waltz: MCU). Motion to approve the consent agenda including the following: Minutes from January 10, 2024; Expenditures/Financial Report; School Year 24-25 Calendar; and New Hire Terry Olson – Custodian (Albjerg/Meder: MCU). Student Representative Rich gave report. Pelanek and Flint gave information on the Music Department Trip for school year 2024-2025; motion to approve trip (Meder/ Albjerg: MCU). Board members gave committee reports: Albjerg reported on Meet and Confer; Wold reported on MN State High School League Region 6A and Fergus Falls Area Special Education Cooperative. Kaily Burgau joined the meeting at 6:29 PM and gave an additional Student Representative report. Wilson gave the Activities report, Transportation report, Principal report followed by the Superintendent report. Motion to adjourn (Albjerg/Meder: MCU). Meeting adjourned at 7:09 p.m. Chris Waltz, Clerk (This publication constitutes the legal printing March 20, 2024 of the official minutes of this meeting.)