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Home ›Battle Lake School Board March 11, 2024 Minutes
The school board of ISD #542, Battle Lake, met in a regular session on Monday, March 11, 2024 in the media center. The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Jonathan Hartman at 6:00 p.m. Members present: Sheila Newark, Ashley Altstadt, Aimie Hallberg, Rachel Logan and Jonathan Hartman. Members absent: Paul Ness. Others in attendance were: Rob Nudell, Ryan Severson, David Marso, Tanya Maethner, Jane Klaers, Bill Klaers, Sue Riedel, Janell Kramer, Jennie Mills, Amy Wicklund, Kate Scherfenberg and Elizabeth Klintworth. All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion to adopt the agenda as revised. (Altstadt/Hallberg) UC. Motion to approve the minutes of the regular February meeting as printed. (Newark/ Hallberg) UC. Motion to approve the following consent agenda items: Payment of bills including checks #59195-#59288 in the amount of $120,307.92; electronic fund transfers in the amount of $470,380.88; payroll checks #21911-#21912 in the amount of $3,623.28; Acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report as presented; acknowledgement of enrollments per grade – current enrollment for K-12 is 419; acceptance of letter of resignation from Joe Mollberg, acceptance of requests for medical leaves of absence from Anita Schaller and Anne Cline, acceptance of letter of retirement from Bill Klaers and Julie Gronbeck; and recommendation from Tanya Maethner to hire Paula Wojcik as the classroom teacher for Drivers Education. (Altstadt/Newark) UC Board members gave updates on communications and meetings they have had with residents and community members within the past month. David Marso gave an update on activities and athletics. Ryan Severson gave his School Principal’s report. Madison Cameron gave an update on Student life. The senior class has drawn up a proposal for a senior class trip to Fargo for just the day to take place on May 3rd. Rob Nudell gave his Superintendent’s report. Motion to approve the sale of a bus to Norman County East School. (Hallberg/Altstadt) UC. The board acknowledged invoices from SiteLogIQ for the work that they have completed in regards to the building project. Motion to approve for a second and final reading the Procurement Procedures for Food Service as they were presented. A copy of all procedures is on file in the district office. (Newark/Hallberg) UC. The board held a first reading on the updated Wellness Policy. A copy is on file in the district office. Motion to approve the hire of Zebadiah Biles as Instrumental Music Teacher beginning the fall of 2024 (Logan/Newark) UC. Motion to accept the letter of resignation from Dan Cullen effective March 22, 2024. (Hallberg/Altstadt) UC. The next meetings of the school board are scheduled for April 8th and May 13th both beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the media center. A board retreat is scheduled for Saturday, April 13, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. With no more items of business remaining on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned by Vice Chair Jonathan Hartmen at 6:50 p.m. Sheila Newark, Clerk (This publication constitutes the legal printing April 17, 2024 of the official minutes of this meeting.)