‘Beat The Heat” With HSOTC

The Humane Society of Otter Tail County invites you to “beat the heat” with us! What do we mean by that? As winter draws to a close and the weather begins to warm, many unaltered female cats enter their heat cycle. Sixty days later, they begin giving birth to litters and litters of kittens, typically overwhelming shelters from March through October, including the HSOTC. In order to help get to the root of the feline overpopulation problem, the HSOTC has partnered with a network of veterinarians across Otter Tail County to offer a voucher program that helps with spay/neuter costs. The P.A.L. program, which stands for Prevent-A-Litter, was created by the HSOTC as a way to assist responsible pet owners and caretakers who may not otherwise be able to afford to have a pet spayed/neutered. P.A.L. vouchers are intended to be a one-time opportunity per individual/family residing in Otter Tail County and participating in a federal or Minnesota needs-based assistance program. Current vouchers range in amounts from $50-$125 depending on the size and sex of the animal. Learn more and apply today online at www.humanesocietyotc.org/pal.

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