Battle Lake School Board June 12, 2024 Minutes

The school board of ISD #542, Battle Lake, met in a regular session on Monday, June 10, 2024 in the media center. The meeting was called to order by Chair Paul Ness at 6:00 p.m. Members present: Rachel Logan, Sheila Newark, Paul Ness, Ashley Altstadt, Aimie Hallberg and Jonathan Hartman. Members absent: None. Others in attendance were: Rob Nudell, Ryan Severson, Pete Amundson, David Marso, Jenny Cameron, Madison Cameron, Steve Bradsteen, Jenny Mansker, Sue Riedel, Amy Wicklund, Jennie Mills, Tracy Estes, Anne Hubert, Tanya Maethner, Kate Scherfenberg, Janell Kraemer, Cassi Buchite, Allison Buehler, and Elizabeth Klintworth. All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion to adopt the agenda as revised to include under New Business a letter of retirement and under upcoming meetings, a closed session immediately following this meeting for the purpose of reviewing the Superintendent evaluation. (Altstadt/Hartman) UC. Mr. Nudell presented a recognition award to Madison Cameron from MSBA for her time as the student representative to the board. Motion to approve the minutes of the regular May meeting as printed. (Newark/Hallberg) UC. Motion to accept the following donations as specified: Ottertail Township $250 for Summer Recreation. Jane Merickel and Judy Heltemes for 34 boxes of holiday and miscellaneous decorations and gift items, 4 boxes of Christmas and assorted mugs, 1 large box or wrapping items and bows, 1 large box of gift boxes and 1 large box of handmade gift bags all for the Holiday/Christmas Project. (Hartman/Logan) UC Motion to approve the following consent agenda items as presented except for item G – Formal Written Complaint Form, which was pulled and placed as the first item under New Business: Payment of bills including checks # 59466 – #59537 in the amount of $98,447.39; electronic fund transfers in the amount of $786,577.11; Treasurer’s Report as presented; membership renewal with Lakes Country Service Cooperative for 2024-25; Letters of resignations from the following individuals as specified: Shauna Heggem – student council advisor, Reagan Mahar – paraprofessional, Madilyn Burkett- paraprofessional, Jenny Mansker – Preschool Teacher/ECFE/Early Childhood Coordinator; and a second and final reading on the Tobacco Free Policy. (Altstadt/Hartman) UC. Board members gave updates on communications and meetings they have had with residents and community members within the past month. Ryan Severson gave his School Principal’s report. David Marso gave his Activities Directors report. Rob Nudell gave his Superintendent’s report. There was discussion in regards to the draft of the formal written complaint form. No action taken The board watched the MSHSL Member School Partnership Video. Motion to approve the property, liability, workers compensation and auto insurance renewal for July 1, 2024 from First Lakes Agency through EMC Insurance Company as presented. (Hartman/Altstadt) UC. Motion to adopt the preliminary budgets for FY2025 as follows: (Hallberg/Logan) UC.

Member Jonathan Hartman introduced the resolution and moved for its adoption: 2024-2025 Resolution for membership in the Minnesota State High School League. The foregoing resolution was second by Ashley Altstadt and upon a roll call vote being taken, those voting in favor: Rachel Logan, Ashley Altstadt, Sheila Newark, Jonathan Hartman, Aimie Hallberg and Paul Ness. Members voting against the same: None. Whereupon said resolution was duly adopted and passed. A copy of the resolution is on file in the district office. Motion to approve the contract for Pre K – 12 Principal as presented. (Altstadt/Logan) UC Motion to approve the contract for the Head of Buildings and Grounds as presented. (Hartman/Newark) UC Motion to approve the contract for the Food Service Director as presented. (Logan/Hallberg) UC. Motion to approve the contract for the School Nurse as presented. (Newark/Hartman) UC. Motion to approve the contract for the Business Manager as presented. (Hartman/Altstadt) UC. Motion to approve the contract for the Bus Mechanic as presented. (Logan/Newark) UC. Motion to approve the contract for the two Administrative Assistants as presented. (Altstadt/Hartman) UC. Motion to approve the contract for the Bus/Van Transportation Co- Coordinators as presented. (Newark/Hallberg) UC. A copy of all the above contracts is on file in the district office. Motion to change the regular September meeting from Monday September 9, 2024 to Tuesday, September 17, 2024 beginning at 6:00 p.m. (Altstadt/Newark) UC. Update to Counselor Job Description was tabled. Member Sheila Tomhave introduced the following resolution and moved for its adoption: Resolution establishing dates for filing affidavits of candidacy. The foregoing resolution was seconded by member Jonathan Hartman and upon a roll call vote being taken thereon, those voting in favor: Aimie Hallberg, Jonathan Hartman, Sheila Newark, Ashley Altstadt, Rachel Logan and Paul Ness. Those voting against the same: None. Where upon said resolution was duly adopted and passed. A copy of the resolution is on file in the district office. Motion to accept the letter of retirement from Stacy Lundquist as 6th grade teacher effective July 20, 2024. (Hallberg/Hartman) UC. The next meetings of the school board are scheduled for July 8 and August 12 both beginning at 6:00 p.m. The Board went into a closed session at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing the Superintendent evaluation. The Board came out of closed session at 9:30 p.m. and with no more items of business remaining on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned by Chair Paul Ness at 9:30 p.m. Sheila Newark, Clerk (This publication constitutes the legal printing July 17, 2024 of the official minutes of this meeting.)