Battle Lake School Board Minutes July 8, 2024 and July 23, 2024

Regular Meeting July 8 – The school board of ISD #542, Battle Lake, met in a regular session on Monday, July 8, 2024 in the media center. The meeting was called to order by Chair Paul Ness at 6:00 p.m. Members present: Sheila Newark, Paul Ness, Ashley Altstadt, and Aimie Hallberg. Members absent: Rachel Logan and Jonathan Hartman. Others in attendance were: Rob Nudell, Ryan Severson, Sue Riedel, Kate Scherfenberg, Jennie Mills, Tracy Kortlever, Anne Hubert, Steve Bradsteen, Ali Buehler, Cassi Buchite, Pete Amundson, Brady Speicher and Elizabeth Klintworth. All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion to adopt the agenda as printed. (Hallberg/Newark) UC. Motion to approve the minutes of the regular June meeting as printed. (Altstadt/Hallberg) UC. Motion to accept the following donation as specified: Nidaros Township $300 – Summer Rec. Battle Lake Area Community Fund $2700 – Children’s Story Book Theatre. Ottertail Lions $4000 – Classroom Supplies. First Lutheran Church $1080 – After School Enrichment Tuition. Crossroads Convenience 4 Life Jackets – Youth Fishing League. (Newark/Altstadt) UC. Motion to approve the following consent agenda items: Payment of bills including checks #59538-#59607 in the amount of $683,417.97. Electronic fund transfers in the amount of $787,230.35. Payroll checks #21917-#21925 in the amount of $4,407.11, Treasurer’s Report. Membership with MREA and MSBA. Updated electronic funds transfer authorization. Call for bids on milk and related dairy products. Formal written complaint form. Updated School Counselor Job Description. Recommendation for Hire of Shelby Hanson as Elementary Teacher. Notification of Child Care Leave. Letter of Resignation from Cassi Buchite as School Counselor. Letter of resignation from Jill Davis as cook. (Altstadt/Newark) UC. Board members gave updates on communications and meetings they have had with residents and community members within the past month. Pete Amundson gave an update on buildings and facilities. Ryan Severson gave his School Principal’s report. Rob Nudell gave his Superintendent’s report. Ryan Severson shared the presentation from SiteLogiq on the progress of the design stage of the building project. Motion to approve the Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Ten Year Plan as presented. A copy of the entire plan and the assurances is on file in the district office. (Newark/Altstadt) UC. Motion to approve the IOWA Designation as presented. A copy of the designation is on file in the district office. (Newark/Hallberg) UC. Motion to approve the agreement with Underwood School for a paired FFA Program. A copy of the agreement is on file in the district office. (Altstadt/Newark) UC. The next meetings of the school board are scheduled for August 12 and September 17 both beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the media center. A Special meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on July 23, 2024 for the purpose of discussing the contract with NCE for Superintendent Services and to formulate exit interviews for resigning and retiring employees. With no more items of business remaining on the agenda, the meeting was adjourned by Chair Paul Ness at 8:57 p.m. Sheila Newark, Clerk