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Home ›Area Schools Build Habitat Homes
During the 2023 school year, Battle Lake High School built a Habitat home (above). Then the home got put onto a trailer and transported down to Dalton to its permanent location. It was an exciting time for new owner by Ky Nelson and her son, Gavin.
The Underwood School CTE students are diligently working towards getting the roof on their house project for Habitat for Humanity. The goal is to have it weather tight by Thanksgiving. With a couple more nice weeks of weather ahead meeting this goal shouldn’t be a problem. At that point, the students will work on framing up the interior walls and getting the rest of the inside ready for sheetrock. The sheetrocking will take place in early March if all goes well. Then once the Spring weather shows up, the rest of the time in the school year will be spend siding and finishing off the exterior.