Underwood School Board November 12, 2024 Minutes

The Underwood School Board Regular November meeting was held Monday, November 13, 2024, in the Conference Room. Present were Board Members John Wold, Jen Albjerg, Rebekah Meder, and Kyle Sem; Student Representative Mason Hoyt, Superintendent Jeff Wilson, Principal Chad Gilbertson, Activities Director/Dean of Students Brian Hovland and Business Manager Margie Thieschafer. Absent: Chris Waltz. Others present: Erin Hoyt and TJ Pelanek. Wold, Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM with a quorum present and read the Underwood Public School Belief Statement. Motion to approve the amended agenda (Albjerg/Meder: MCU). Motion to approve the consent agenda which included October Board Minutes; Expenditure/Finance Report; Resignations Jill Baken/Food Service, Brittany Harthun/ Paraprofessional and Breck Grove/Head Volleyball Coach; New Hires Marti Ewy and Logan Sonmor/Special Education Paraprofessionals; Approve Reclassification of Michele Fitzgibbons/Food Service, Approve Hire of Sydney Hovland /2nd Assistant Girls Basketball Coach; and donations recognized and appreciated – dictionaries for 3rd grade from Underwood Lions, $9,127 Teacher Wish List from West Central Initiative, and $4,000 for Student Support by Anonymous donor (Meder/Sem: Voting in Favor: Sem, Albjerg, Meder and Wold; Voting Against: None: MCU). Report given by Student Representative Mason Hoyt. Baker joined the meeting at 6:04 PM. Wold reported on Fergus Falls Area Special Education Cooperative. Hovland gave the Activities Director/Community Ed report, Gilbertson gave the Principal report and Wilson gave the Superintendent report. Member Wold introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION CANVASSING RETURNS OF VOTES OF SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERAL ELECTION BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 550, State of Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby found, determined and declared that the general election of the voters of the district held on November 5, 2024, was in all respects duly and legally called and held. 2. Voters of the district at said election on the election of three school board members for four-year term vacancies on the board caused by expiration of term on December 31,2024: REBEKAH MEDER 1017 JAY MARK 967 ADAM BAKER 944 Write-In Votes 65 3. Candidate Meder, Candidate Mark and Candidate Baker, having received the highest number of votes, are elected to four year terms beginning the first Monday in January, 2025. 4. The school district clerk is hereby authorized to certify the results of the election to the county auditor of each county in which the school district is located in whole or in part. The motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Member Albjerg, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Wold, Albjerg, Meder, Baker and Sem; and the following voted against the same: none. Whereupon the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. The annual Minnesota State High School League Resolution was adopted (Wold/ Meder: MCU). Full Resolution on file in the District office. Motion to adjourn (Meder/Sem: MCU). The meeting was adjourned at 6:29 PM. Jen Albjerg (This publication constitutes the legal printing December 25, 2024 of the official minutes of this meeting.)